Abstract watercolor landscapes
The titles of my paintings reflect the feelings that arise during the creation process or when I observe them at the end. Each title is a link with the emotions awakened, revealing a nature in constant transformation, rebellious and endowed with an identity that is gradually revealed.

"Apparently Calm" Watercolor on paper 49x38,5cm / 2023
As a contemplative observer of nature, I am always surprised by its constantly changing beauty. Every moment is a discovery, and the sensations I experience are fragments of a narrative that unfolds before my eyes.

"Ocean Secrets" Watercolor on paper 49x38,5cm / 2023
The memories of the landscapes that I was lucky enough to contemplate on my travels are present in my artistic expression. These memories inspire my work, fueling the creation of works that capture the unique essence of distant places and lived experiences.

"I Feel Blue Today" Watercolor on paper 41x30cm / 2023
I always keep in mind that our planet is a living and intelligent organism. As beings interconnected with this wonder, it is crucial to recognize the importance of preserving and caring for it. This understanding not only underpins my art, but also fuels my desire to share these values and feelings through my work.

"Impact" Watercolor on paper 41x30cm / 2023
Paisagens abstratas em aguarela
Os títulos das minhas pinturas refletem os sentimentos que surgem durante o processo de criação ou quando as observo no final. Cada título é um elo de ligação com as emoções despertadas, revelando uma natureza em constante transformação, rebelde e dotada de uma identidade que se vai revelando aos poucos.
Os títulos das minhas pinturas refletem os sentimentos que surgem durante o processo de criação ou quando as observo no final. Cada título é um elo de ligação com as emoções despertadas, revelando uma natureza em constante transformação, rebelde e dotada de uma identidade que se vai revelando aos poucos.